Shunt, oil on canvas, 48"x48"

2/3, oil on canvas, 58"x58"

Tow Path, oil on paper, 30"x22"

Thee Hott Nightmare, oil and charcoal on canvas board, 13"x11"

Thee Hott Nightmare, oil and charcoal on canvas board, 13"x11"

Tow Path, oil on paper, 22"x22"

Responsibility for the Happiness of Others, oil and beeswax on canvas, 19"x19"

The Hotte Nitemare, oil and beeswax on canvas, 13"x12"

perspective study, collage on paper, 10"x10"

movement study, collage on paper, 10"x10"

Depth Study, collage on paper, 10"x10"

Hotte Night-mare, oil and beeswax on canvas, 12"x11"

II/III, oil and collage on paper, 10"x10"

Near Julie's Farm, oil on paper, 12"x10"

Near Julie's Farm, oil and pencil on paper, 12"x10"

Near Julie's Farm, oil and pencil on paper, 12"x10"